Keith Haring's quots Whatever you want to do, the only secrect is to believe in it.

"Whatever you want to do, the only secret is to believe in it." This quote by Keith Haring emphasizes the importance of having faith and belief in oneself and one's goals. Haring suggests that believing in what you want to do is the key to achieving it.

Believing in something gives you the motivation and determination to pursue it with passion and perseverance. It helps you overcome doubts, challenges, and setbacks along the way. When you have a strong belief in your purpose, you are more likely to take the necessary steps and make the necessary sacrifices to make it happen.

This quote also highlights the power of positive thinking and a mindset of possibility. By believing in your dreams and aspirations, you open yourself up to opportunities and potential that might otherwise remain unseen.

Haring himself was a testament to the power of belief. Despite facing various obstacles and criticism, he remained steadfast in his belief in his art and its ability to make a difference.

Do you have a goal or something you truly believe in? How has belief played a role in your endeavors?